with Coach Amie Murphy


WHY do I drink Shakeology every.single.day?
-I drink it every day because 9 months ago I decided I was taking my health journey to the next level and added Shakeology to my routine. I didn't see instant results, it's not a magical drink. After consistently drinking (about 3-4 months) I saw the positive effects of the superfoods and nutrients of it in my body.

HOW do I justify the monthly cost?
-I look at as a subscription to my health. When I first signed up as a Coach, the discount was the only thing saving me money (which is still awesome! 25% discount?! Yes please!!)
). Now, I work hard every month by changing people's lives and helping them start their healthy journey and everything I earn goes back to covering my shake. But even if I only got the 25% discount, it'd be worth it! I couldn't possibly afford to buy all of the ingredients in this shake, make my own version, and still get all of the benefits! So, for me, it's become more like "I can't afford NOT to drink Shakeology!"
WHAT makes Shakeology so special?
-I've attached a list of the ingredients and their benefits. Again, I couldn't possibly afford to buy all of those single ingredients for the price I pay for Shakeo monthly and I absolutely feel those benefits daily! Again, it took time for my body to see the effects of the ingredients but I tell you what, I haven't gotten sick since drinking it and with 2 kids who bring home tons of germs, get runny noses, and strep throat... I haven't been hit with any of it! My allergies are even not as bad because my immune system is strengthening!

WHAT does Shakeology do for me?
-Let me count the ways I love thee Shakeology:
1) more energy, moms... enough said!
2) replaces breakfast about half the week, takes 3 minutes to make and I drink it in the car on the way to preschool drop off! The other half of the week it's my afternoon snack.
3) I crave IT, NOT sweets and junk food! Or if I do crave a dessert then I make a shake, pudding, or no-bake balls with shakeo!
4) I feel healthy from the inside!! Digestive issues are far and few between, shakeo helps with your gut health!
5) I have a dairy sensitivity and guess what, Shakeology has a Vegan formula that doesn't contain whey and since I switched to that formula, I've seen even more of a positive impact on my digestive system.

If you're curious how Shakeology can positively effect your health, let's chat!! I can't tell you enough good things about this shake to "convince" you, I don't want to do that! I think that you should give it a 30 day try with our 30 day {money back} guarantee and you can be a testimony too!

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